30 years of ETEL
30 years of ETEL
Exhibit Design SP Arte & MDW – São Paulo / Milan, Brazil / Italy.
2023 / completed
“30 years of ETEL”
SP Arte, 29th of March to 2nd of April, Bienal Pavilion, São Paulo, Brazil;
MDW, 18th to 23rd of April, ETEL Milano, Via Maroncelli 13, Milan, Italy
In occasion of the “SP Arte” in São Paulo, Brazil and the “MDW 2023” in Italy, we were called to present the exhibition dedicated to 30 years of ETEL.
An installation that wants to recount a long love-story about the art of wood’s knowledge, made up of collaborations with the great masters of the past and the present, consolidated by successes and goals all over the world, rich in creative sensitivity for the design universe.
We decided to raise the entire ETEL’s collection in a very simple and strong display, which summarized the aspects listed above and reflected (in every sense) these 30 years of company’s life.
The spaces feature 110 wall elements that support like shelves, in an orderly and museum-like manner, more than 160 1:10 scale models of all the iconic pieces of the collection, from the end of the 19th century to today, printed in 3D with recycled white plastic.
A single material, the mirror-polished stainless steel, as a sign of modernist futurism, to reflect every detail of these jewels which, for the very first time, are found, all together, at the eyes of our public.
Once again, a fantastic and synergistic collaboration between Superluna Studio and ETEL.
Status: Completed
Year: 2023
Tag: Exhibit Design – SP Arte / Milano Design Week
Place: São Paulo, Brazil / Milano, Italy
Press: https://www.superluna.it/design/etel-at-sp-arte-30-years-of-etel/